Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blogging, Take two or is ths Take 3?

Wow! Where do I begin? I really want to blog so people can know what's going on in our life. Besides being a mom, & having a shortage of time to do things like blogging , I also have realized other reasons I have not kept up with it. Recently I have been learning more about myself. Yes, at 33 I am still learning about me! I have discovered that I have a fear of failing. I am sure it may sound so silly when applying it to something like bloggiing, but let me explain. In my head I have a way that things should be, & if I don't think I can meet up to that expectation, then I tend to push something off, or just never do it! For example, I feel like my spelling & grammar should be just so in my blog posts & because I struggle in this areas, it prevents me from writing. It's not like my English teacher is on here & going to give me a grade...HA! Now don't get me wrong, I don't think I should just get on here & babble & not try to do my best with putting commas where they belong. But I tend to drive myself crazy with proofreading over & over, even when I write FB! Who has time to proof read with 2 active boys & a nursing baby?! Seriously!

Also, since I have no idea what I am doing when it comes to computer stuff, I have a fear of messing something up downloading, or I am not sure how to add pictures, or save a post for later, add a link, etc., so instead of taking time to learn these things, I just avoid it all together. So I have decided to branch out this year & be a learner, try new things, even if I am not very good at it! This isn't really a resolution, I don't make those, but that could be another blog post! So here's to 2011 & me attempting to blog for longer than 2 months!! And please, if your reading try to ignore the errors I was referring to earlier, but feel free to share blogging tips. etc. Thanks & Happy Reading! Oh, and one more thing, feel free to help me come up with a new blog name(those of you who know me well)!


  1. Yay, you're back! I will be a faithful reader, from two blocks away! ;-)

  2. One way to "proofread" is to open a Microsoft Word document & type there. Then, typo's will be underlined & you can just copy & paste the finished piece to your blog.
    I learned to write in Word before posting to the web when I had to use a Wiki in school & sometimes my post would get "lost" when there was a computer glitch.

  3. I LOVE IT! The best part is, you DID it instead of thinking about it. Proofreading?! No way. Just say it.

  4. Hooray! I love it when my friends have blogs so that I can keep up with them from far away. It is also an encouragement to know that we all go through the same things....especially as young moms with little ones. Keep it up and I'll keep reading.
